

object Buffer 

Read and write data to a string Buffer


static fun init(int capacity = 0) > Buffer

Create a Buffer

  • capacity: Optional initial capacity of the Buffer

Returns: New Buffer


static fun fromStr(str string) > Buffer

Create a Buffer with string as its initial value

  • string: Initial value

Returns: New Buffer


fun collect() > void

Free underlying memory (automatically called by the Garbage Collector)


fun read(int n = 1) > str?

Read bytes

  • n: How many bytes to read

Returns: Binary string


fun write(str bytes) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError

Write bytes

  • bytes: Bytes to write


fun writeZ::<T>(str zigType, [T] values) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError, FFITypeMismatchError

Write values to the Buffer checking that T matches the zig type specified by zigType

  • zigType: Zig type (must match C ABI)
  • values: Values to write


fun writeZAt::<T>(int at, str zigType, [T] values) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError, FFITypeMismatchError

Write values to the Buffer at index at, checking that T matches the zig type specified by zigType

  • at: Where to write the data in the Buffer
  • zigType: Zig type (must match C ABI)
  • values: Values to write


fun readZ::<T>(str zigType) > T !> FFITypeMismatchError

Read data from the Buffer checking that T matches the zig type specified by zigType

  • zigType: Zig type (must match C ABI)

Returns: Data read of buzz type T and zig type zigType


fun readZAt::<T>(int at, str zigType) > T !> FFITypeMismatchError

Read data from the Buffer at index at, checking that T matches the zig type specified by zigType

  • at: Where to read the data in the Buffer
  • zigType: Zig type (must match C ABI)

Returns: Data read of buzz type T and zig type zigType


fun writeStruct::<T>(type structType, [T] values) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError, FFITypeMismatchError

Write foreign struct(s) of type T to the Buffer. The struct type is specified both for the compiler with generic type T and to the function with structType which will be used to know the specific layout and size of the struct.

  • structType: Struct type
  • values: Values to write


fun writeStructAt::<T>(type structType, int at, [T] values) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError, FFITypeMismatchError

Write foreign struct(s) of type T to the Buffer at index at. The struct type is specified both for the compiler with generic type T and to the function with structType which will be used to know the specific layout and size of the struct.

  • structType: Struct type
  • at: Where to write the data to the Buffer
  • values: Values to write


fun readStruct::<T>(type structType) > T !> FFITypeMismatchError

Read foreign struct of type T from the Buffer. The struct type is specified both for the compiler with generic type T and to the function with structType which will be used to know the specific layout and size of the struct.

  • structType: Struct type

Returns: Value read


fun readStructAt::<T>(type structType, int at) > T !> FFITypeMismatchError

Read foreign struct of type T from the Buffer at index at. The struct type is specified both for the compiler with generic type T and to the function with structType which will be used to know the specific layout and size of the struct.

  • structType: Struct type

Returns: Value read


fun readBoolean() > bool?

Read a boolean

Returns: Boolean read


fun writeBoolean(bool boolean) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError

Write a boolean

  • boolean: Boolean to write


fun readInt() > int?

Read a integer

Returns: Integer read


fun writeInt(int number) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError

Write an integer

  • number: Integer to write


fun readUserData() > ud?

Read a ud

Returns: ud read


fun writeUserData(ud userdata) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError

Write an ud

  • userdata: ud to write


fun readFloat() > float?

Read a float

Returns: Float read


fun writeFloat(float number) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError

Write an float

  • number: Float to write


fun len(int align = 1) > int

Get Buffer length

  • align: Alignement

Returns: Buffer length


fun cursor() > int

Get current position in the Buffer

Returns: Current position


fun empty() > void

Empty the Buffer (retains capacity)


fun ptr(int at = 0, int align = 1) > ud

Returns pointer at at * align in the Buffer as userdata

  • at: From where to get the pointer
  • align: Alignment

Returns: Pointer


fun toString() > str

Get Buffer content as a string

Returns: Buffer content


fun at(int index) > int !> OutOfBoundError

Get byte at given index

  • index: Which byte to get

Returns: Byte


fun setAt(int index, int value) > void !> WriteWhileReadingError, OutOfBoundError

Set byte at given index

  • index: Which byte to set
  • value: Value to set
Last Updated:
Contributors: Benoit Giannangeli, hshq