

fun append(T value) > void

Append new element at end of the list

  • value: New element


fun insert(int index, T value) > T

Insert new element at index of the list. If index is less than 0, element will be inserted at 0. If index is greather than list length, it'll be appended at the end of the list.

  • index: Index at which element will be inserted
  • value: New element

Returns: The inserted value


fun remove(int at) > T

Remove element form the list shifting elements after index

  • at: Index of element to remove

Returns: Removed element


fun pop() > T?

Remove and return last element of list or null if list is empty

Returns: Last element


fun len() > int

Returns: Length of list


fun sub(int start, int? len) > [T]

Get sub list

  • start: Start index of sub list
  • len: Length of sub list, if null will go to end of list

Returns: Sub list


fun indexOf(T needle) > int?

Search first occurence of the needle

  • needle: Element to find

Returns: Index of element or null if not found


fun clone() > [T]

Returns: Clone of the list


fun join(str separator) > str

Join list element in a string with a separator. Elements are converted to a string just like an interpolation would.

  • separator: Separator to put between each elements

Returns: Elements joined as a string


fun forEach(Function callback(int index, T element) > void) > void

Runs callback for each element of the list.

  • callback: Ran for each element


fun sort(Function callback(T left, T right) > bool) > [T]

Stable in-place sort. O(n) best case, O(n*log(n)) worst case and average case.

  • callback: Used to compare elements

Returns: The list now sorted


fun map::<S>(Function callback(int index, T element) > S) > [S]

Map list to new list of target type by running callback for each element of the list.

  • callback: Ran for each element

Returns: New list of item type S


fun fill(T value) > [T]

Fill the list with value and returns itself.

  • value: Value to fill the list with

Returns: the list


fun filter(Function callback(int index, T element) > bool) > [T]

Filter list keeping element for which callback returns true.

  • callback: Ran for each element

Returns: Filtered list


fun reduce::<S>(Function callback(int index, T element, S accumulator) > S, S initial) > S

Reduce list to value of type S by running callback with accumulator being the value being built.

  • callback: Ran for each element
  • initial: Initial value

Returns: Reduced value


fun reverse() > [T]

Returns: A new list with inverted values (e.g. [1, 2, 3] becomes [3, 2, 1])

Last Updated:
Contributors: Benoit Giannangeli, hshq