

fun size() > int

Returns: Number of elements in the map


fun remove(K key) > V?

Remove element from the map

  • `key``: Key of element to remove

Returns: Removed element or null if nothing was under key


fun keys() > [K]

Returns: Return list of the map keys


fun values() > [V]

Returns: Return list of the map values


fun clone() > {K: V}

Returns: Clone of the map


fun reduce::<T>(Function callback(K key, V value, T accumulator) > T, T initial) > T

Reduce map to value of type T by running callback with accumulator being the value being built.

  • callback: Ran for each element
  • initial: Initial value

Returns: Reduced value


fun filter(Function callback(K key, V value) > bool) > {K: V}

Filter map keeping element for which callback returns true.

  • callback: Ran for each element

Returns: Filtered map


fun forEach(Function callback(K key, V value) > void) > void

Runs callback for each element of the map.

  • callback: Ran for each element


fun map::<A, B>(Function callback(K key, V value) > obj{ A key, B value }) > {A: B}

Transform map to new map of target type by running callback for each element of the map.

  • callback: Ran for each element

Returns: New map of key type A and value type B


fun sort(Function callback(K left, K right) > bool) > {K: V}

Stable in-place sort. O(n) best case, O(n*log(n)) worst case and average case.

  • callback: Used to compare elements

Returns: The map now sorted


fun diff({K: V} other) > {K: V}

Returns elements of the map no present in other.

  • other: Other map of the same type

Returns: Difference with other


fun intersect({K: V} other) > {K: V}

Returns elements present in both current map and other.

  • other: Other map of the same type

Returns: Intersection with other

Last Updated:
Contributors: Benoit Giannangeli, hshq