
Functions start with the keyword fun. The return type must be specified after a >. If the functions returns nothing the return type is void.

fun sayHiTo(str name, str? lastName, int age) > str {
    return "Hi {name} {lastName ?? ""}!"

If the function can yield (see Fibers) or contains a function call to another function that can yield, the yield type must be specified after another >.

fun mayYield() > str *> int? {

Arrow function

Function which body would only be return <expression> can be written with an arrow function. Arrow functions can omit their return type which will be inferred from the expression returned.

fun count(str name) -> name.len();


buzz makes the opinionated choice that any function argument after the first one needs to be labeled for readability. That's why, when called, only the first argument name of a function can be omitted. Argument order is not required so long as they are named.

sayHiTo("Joe", age: 35, lastName: "Doe"); | -> "Hi Joe Doe!"

Arguments with default value can be omitted completely:

fun doSomething(int x, bool isAvailable = true) > void {
    | ...

| Then calling it

If the argument value is a variable with the same name as the argument, you can omit the name:

fun call(str firstname, str lastname) > void {
    | ...

var lastname = "Doe";
call("joe", lastname)


Any uncaught error type that can arise within the function must be specified in its signature after !> (see Errors):

fun somethingThatCanFail() > str !> FormatError, UnexpectedError {
    | ...

First-class citizen

Functions are first-class citizens. Meaning they can be passed around just like any other buzz value:

Function() fn = fun () > void -> print("hello world"); | Arrow function

fn(); | -> "hello world"

Extern functions

Functions that refers to a C/Zig function, are prefixed with extern (see Calling C/Zig functions)

extern fun assert(bool condition, str message) > void;


The main function is the entry point of your program. Its signature must be.

fun main([str] args) > int {

| or

fun main([str] args) > void {


test blocks are functions that will be executed when invoked with buzz --test.

test "Some test" {
    assert(something() == 12, message: "Could use `something`");

Generic types

Generic types can be used by listing them just after the function name:

fun countMap::<K, V>({K: V} map) > int {
    return map.size();

{str: int} map = {
    "one": 1,
    "two": 2,
    "three": 3,

countMap::<str, int>(map) == 3;
Last Updated:
Contributors: Benoit Giannangeli, hshq