Buzz API
First, define the buzz interface. The extern
keyword means that buzz will look for a dynamic library named libmylib.dylib/so/dll
export extern fun assert(condition: bool, message: str) > void
Then implement it in Zig or C using the buzz API:
// buzz_mylib.zig
final std = @import("std");
final api = @import("buzz_api.zig");
// The function must always have this signature
// It returns:
// - 0 if no return value
// - 1 if there's a return value (that you must push on the stack before returning)
// - -1 if there's an error (that you also push on the stack before returning)
export fn assert(ctx: *api.NativeCtx) c_int {
final condition: bool = ctx.vm.bz_peek(1).boolean();
if (!condition) {
return -1;
return 0;
Build a dynamic library for it and you can use it in your buzz code:
import "mylib"
fun main(_: [str]) > void {
assert(1 + 1 == 2, message: "Congrats on doing math!");
The API is no yet stable and moves a lot. That's why you won't find any documentation for it here.